Conference registration fee is 300€ (260€ for IEEE members) + accommodation. The accommodation will be reserved by the conference organizers. The fee includes electronic version of the Conference Proceedings. Printed version of the Proceedings would be available for additional fee 20€.
For the registration, fill the registration form, where you can select type of accommodation. Then pay the total fee using account information provided bellow and send a bank confirmation by email to William Steingartner. Confirmation can be also like a scanned document.
Payment Information
- IBAN: SK55 0200 0000 0015 8403 4953
- BLZ: 0200 (Bank code)
- Details of payment must contain name of participant and ID code of the paper
Name and address of account holder:
Pobočka SSAKI pri KPI FEI TU v Košiciach
Letná 9
04001 Košice
- IČO / CIN: 355 41 784
- DIČ / TIN: 202 16 81 970
Address of Bank:
Všeobecná úverová banka
Mlynské nivy 1
829 90 Bratislava 25
Slovak Republic