Registration Fees

Conference registration fee is 260€ + accommodation. The accommodation will be reserved by the conference organizers.

For the registration, fill the registration form, where you can select type of accommodation. Then pay the total fee using account information provided bellow and send a bank confirmation to email Confirmation can be also like scanned document.

Payment Information

For Slovak participants:

  • Číslo účtu: 1584034953 / 0200 (VÚB, a.s.)
  • Variabilný symbol: ID článku
  • Správa pre prijímateľa: Meno autora príspevku plus ID kód príspevku

For foreign participants:

  • IBAN: SK55 0200 0000 0015 8403 4953
  • BLZ: 0200 (Bank code)
  • Details of payment: Name of participant and ID code of the paper

Name and address of account holder:

Pobočka SSAKI pri KPI FEI TU v Košiciach
Letná 9
04001 Košice

  • IČO / CIN: 355 41 784
  • DIČ / TIN: 202 16 81 970

Address of Bank:

Všeobecná úverová banka
Mlynské nivy 1
829 90 Bratislava 25
Slovak Republic