Submissions are managed through the EasyChair system. The paper submission process consists of two stages:
- Abstract submission — you need to create a new submission in the EasyChair without full paper text. Abstracts shall be no more than 15 lines.
- Full paper submission — you add a full paper in PDF format to the submission.
Paper preparation
The papers submitted should contain original unpublished results in topics fields. The papers should not exceed 6 pages. Extra pages cost 10€ per page. All papers received will be submitted to a peer review process and each paper will be reviewed by two referees.
Authors may use either LaTeX (preferred) or Microsoft Word template from IEEE.
For LaTeX, use IEEEtran LaTeX class V1.8 and IEEEtran BibTeX style V1.12. Be sure to use the template’s conference mode and A4 paper. The documentclass command in your LaTeX source should be:
\documentclass[conference, a4paper]{IEEEtran}
See template documentation for details.
Final Paper Preparation and Submission
Please follow these steps to prepare and submit the final version of your paper:
- Prepare the final version using the IEEE template.
- Go to the IEEE PDF eXpress® Login Page and login or create a new account. For the new account, please use the New Users - Click here link. The conference ID is 41897XP.
- Enter information and upload files as requested.
- If your paper
- passes the IEEE PDF eXpress® check, please, save the resulting PDF by clicking the “Approve for Collection” link.
- fails the IEEE PDF eXpress® check, please, correct it and try again.
- Rename the saved PDF file to inf2017_X_SurnameName.pdf, where
- X is the paper number from EasyChair and
- SurnameName is the full name of the first author in camel case (i.e. KoreckoStefan).
- Upload the renamed PDF to the EasyChair system.
IEEE PDF eXpress® is open until October 31 for this conference. No paper is accepted after this deadline.
Important information
The conference appears on the IEEE Conference Search. Conference proceedings that meet IEEE quality review standards may be eligible for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore), if the paper is not presented at the conference.
“Pay to publish” is not allowed by IEEE. So at least one author of a paper must show up and present the paper at the conference.