Proceedings Styles

The official language of the conference is English.

The papers submitted should contain original unpublished results in topics fields. The papers must not exceed 6 pages.

Authors should prepare papers in the form of LNCS standard single-column form following Proceedings Styles, which can be seen also here.

Authors may use either:

  1. LaTeX2e template (preferred)
    • Using LaTeX2e, please download or from here.
    • LaTeX2e source file of the Authors' Instructions (or here) contains a separate LaTeX file for the text and EPS file for the figure and may serve as a further sample input.
    • More information for LNCS Authors can be found here.
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: For the document class of your paper please use the command \documentclass[a4paper]{llncs} (instead of \documentclass[runningheads,a4paper]{llncs}). This is necessary to remove headers from your paper.
  2. Microsoft Word template
    • Using Microsoft Word, please download, or from here.