The ECI’2000
conference is going to be held in Košice-Herľany
during 28-29th September 2000 for the 4th time as
continuation of the tradition the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Informatics laid more than 10 years ago. The conference is being
organized as the international scientific conference under the auspices of the
Czech and Slovak Society for Simulation and the Slovak Society for Applied
Cybernetics and Informatics in cooperation and with sponsorship of the COMPAQ
Computer Slovakia s.r.o., IBM Slovakia,
Novitech a.s., Tesla Liptovský Hrádok
a.s., Krížik a.s. Prešov, PosAm s.r.o.
pob. Košice, LVDS2 Tornaľa, MicroCAD
Systems s.r.o. Košice and Východoslovenské energetické závody š.p. Košice.
The conference is aimed at providing the environment for fertilization
new ideas, widespreading of the scientific results, establishing new
professional contacts among the participants coming from academic and also from
non academic institutions. Some space is devoted to problems pertaining
educational issues at the university level. A ro om is given deliberately
for discussion of hot problems of university education in descendant parties of
former Czechoslovakia. The paper submitted to Programme Committee passed through
rewiewing process that was caried out by international team of experts that did
excellent work in that respect. The present leaflet provides necessary
information for participants to the conference on various aspects connected with
the participation.
The papers for proceedings have to be prepared according to the following typing patterns, either using of LaTeX or MS Word. REGISTRATION
Registration will be made on Thursday from 7:00-9:00 am on the fifth
floor of the main building of the University
of Technology at the Department of Computers and Informatics. The participants,
which will travel to the conference place individually, can register themselves
directly at the place.
Accepted papers will be published in a volume of the ECI 2000 proceedings. Just presented papers will be published. Please notice that final versions in a specified format for the proceedings must be delivered to organizing chair Ján Bačaboth in a hard copy and electronic form due August 31, 2000. doc. Ing. Ján Bača, CSc.
The conference will take place in
the village Herľany, a tourist attractive location near Košice. The largest
cold water geyser in the Europe spurts its mineral water up to 28 meters
above ground for about half an hour each 33 hours. It was found first in
1870 during works to gain source of mineral water for spa. We hope you
will enjoy visiting this unique place in Eastern Slovakia.
Accommodation The one night accommodation (28th - 29th) is included in the conference fee. Additional accommodation is available in the KOSMALT hotel, which is located on the tr. SNP 61,before and after the conference according to your request (in the registration form). The payment for the additional accommodation is not included in the conference fee and it should be paid upon checking in the hotel. This hotel can be reached from both the railway and bus station of Košice by the tram No 6 (tramstop in front of the stations′ buildings) to the tramstop ″Kino Družba″ on the tr. SNP street. The tramstop ″Kino Družba″is the tenth tramstop counted from the station tramstop. The fee for one night is 360,- Sk for single room and the fee for double or triple room is 170,- Sk (payment at the place of accommodation). The main building of University is on the distance of two tramstops (any tram) from the KOSMALT hotel, tramstop ″Staré mesto-Amfiteáter″. The distance from the tramstop to the university building is approximately 250 m. Travelling Since the Conference is to be held in Herľany, the place which is in 30 km distance from Košice, the outside participants are reccommended to travel to Košice and to reach the main building of the University, Letná 9. The departure of all participants from Košice to Herľany is supposed on Thursday, September 28th , 2000 at 9:00 am by the bus. The place of the departure is from the front of the main building of the University, Letná 9. The main building of the University of Technology can be reached from the railway and bus station of Košice by the tram No 2 (tramstop in front of the stations buildings) to the tramstop "Poliklinika Sever" on Komensky street (Komenského ul.), or by the bus No 32 (busstop in front of the stations buildings) to the busstop ″Technická univerzita″ (next to the main building of the University of Technology).
The producers
and commercial companies are welcome to present their products and/or
services that conform with the conference topics. The
exhibition will be held at the same premises as the conference.